Rico’s Best Of The Year

My New Year’s resolution is to not be hemmed in by boundaries and/or categorization, because, you know, I’m punk like that. So here’s some of the best stuff I encountered this year, regardless of whether it actually originated this year, in no particular order or category.

Moth Joke: The Epic

Watch Norm McDonald turn The Moth Joke (as told by Los Lobos’ David Hidalgo in DPD #75) into a saga for our downcast age.

A nice tip

An old-school donation to the DPD from “Tony.”

A slick cocktail

DPD listener Cathryn Poff sent us this sadly timely drink recipe.

Fish Drinks: Listeners take the bait

In our last episode, Brendan lamented the relative dearth of cocktails with a fish component. So we asked listeners to hep us to fishy tipples… and were alternately intrigued and appalled by their responses.