Small Talk

Jackie Chan makes a musical leap

The senior editor of Los Angeles Magazine, Elina Shatkin, tells us about a new work of theater in development: an autobiographical musical written and composed by Jackie Chan. Brace yourselves.

Reyhan Harmanci on the most delicious encyclopedia

Reyhan Harmanci, Deputy Editor of the new food & culture magazine Modern Farmer guides us to La Tacopedia: Enciclopedia del taco which may be the world’s most delicious reference book.

Words even older than tubular

Sadie Stein, Deputy Editor of The Paris Review, shares a story close to her bookworm heart: two-hundred core words have been in use for up to 15,000 years… including the word “worm.”

Patt Morrison shares good and bad news

LA Times columnist and KPCC-FM Special Correspondent Patt Morrison shares a new scientific finding that’s the ultimate case of good news, bad news.