Landing a National Park on the Moon

Reyhan Harmanci, senior editor of Modern Farmer, tells us about some... astronomical ambitions to establish an American national park on the moon.

The Hip Herring

New-catch Holland herring is a special little fish and a seasonal treat for seals and humans alike. Niki Russ Federman of Manhattan's landmark seafood seller Russ & Daughters is the third generation of the family running this so-called "house that herring built," making her uniquely qualified to talk about this slippery delicacy.

Birth of The Parking Meter

This Week in 1935, Carl C. Magee invented the “park-o-meter” and proceeded to rake in the hard-earned nickels of Oklahoma City’s befuddled residents. Think about it over a cocktail - but don't stay too long.

Filmmaker Andrew Bujalski Speaks Up

Andrew Bujalski, the "Godfather of Mumblecore," took a break from making films about the romantic lives of young people to make "Computer Chess" -- his new film about '80s software engineers in love with computers. Bujalski tells Rico about shooting a movie about the '80s with cameras from the '60s, setting limits on those new-fangled wheels, and the consequences of repeating an innocent joke to a journalist.

Et Tu Bruce is Honestly Amusing

Jamie White and Matthew O'Toole, of London retro-pop band Et Tu Brucé, do a good job telling a joke... about how to *not* get a job.

What Are the ‘Fresh Wars’? (And Who’s Winning?)

Younger consumers are demanding fast food chains offer new, healthier choices. For a big company like McDonalds that means taking a risk on over six million pounds of cucumbers and a bunch of weird Austrian tubes.

Chuck Klosterman, Evil Mastermind

Essayist, critic, novelist and New York Times "Ethicist" Chuck Klosterman posits a theory about bad guys that holds up for most villains of history and fiction - with at least one major exception.

The Birth of the Bikini

This week back in 1946, Frenchman Louis Reard dropped an explosive new invention on the unsuspecting world: the bikini. Learn the sizzling story, then cool down with a two-part drink direct from Paris.

Why Big Star Were Not Big Stars

Filmmaker Drew DeNicola's new documentary, "Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me," examines the story of the celebrated cult band he calls "the ultimate beautiful losers." He schools Brendan about Big Star's rise, fall, and eventual place in the American pop cannon.