The New DPD Store!

Check out our new one-stop shop to buy all the stuff Terry Gross would get for free.

Parasites, Symbiotes, and Loosies

So on this week’s show, I used the term “parasite-aurant” – to describe the relationship between Pal’s upscale sandwich shop and the humble corner store in which it lives.
Many listeners wrote in explaining that a better term would be “symbiot-aurant.”

Where Tig Went

It turns out that The Runaways ran away from Tig Notaro.

Cafe Perfect

I have an imaginary blog about Los Angeles called “Getting Warmer.” It’s made up of imaginary postings about new businesses in LA that sound great, but don’t quite succeed in terms of being any place I would like to go. For example, earlier this year I pretend-posted about [The Fix](, a cafĂ© that opened near […]


For the past few months we’ve been camping out at our [Facebook Fan Page]( and crashing at [Twitter](, but today we finally have a place to call our own: Welcome to the Dinner Party Download’s new home on the web. Getting nervous about impromptu dinner parties is now a thing of the past! You can […]